5 Travel Planning Mistakes You May Be Making

Which camp do you fall into when it comes to vacations? Team Planner or Team Last Minute? There are positives to both and truth be told, most people fall somewhere in the middle. Even those who take vacation planning to the next level may be making some costly mistakes, both with time and money. Read on to see our list of 5 Travel mistakes you may be making (and what to do instead!).

  1. Not Trying Out Your New Gear

Buying some new hiking boots or a fabulous new gadget for your upcoming trip? Make sure before you give it a spin to try it out! No one wants to start off a trip reading an owner’s manual for a new gadget, or end it nursing blisters because you didn’t break in your new shoes. Plan ahead and get to know your new stuff…broken in is a good thing when traveling so do your best to make the new feel familar!

2. Booking Flights Too Far in Advance

Don’t pull the trigger too early on those flights…you my not get the best price. This is actually one of the most costly mistakes travelers tend to make. The recommended time to book flights to get the best deal is one to three months out for domestic flights, and slightly longer for international flights. The only exception to the rule is with Southwest Airlines; the “Wanna Get Away” fare is the cheapest and sells out quickly, so with SW flights we recommend jumping on right around the six to seven month mark when flights post.

3. Not Reading Reviews

Plan on getting very comfortable with Trip Advisor and other review sites when you travel. A quick check on these patron reviewed apps will ensure you don’t stumble into an establishment that is less than average, especially if you are in a once-in-a-lifetime location! Another mistake travelers tend to make is only checking the business website, where they are clearly going to shine the best light and offer only positive reviews. Trip Advisor will give you the honest answer and you’ll be much more likely to have a positive business experience by spending time educating yourself. It’s well worth your time!

4. Not Strategically Packing Your Carry-on

We know, we know…for those of you who regularly read our blogs or view the Travel Tips we post on social, this is not a new one. But we feel it’s importance warrants several messages! This is our NUMBER ONE travel tip, and also tends to be one of the most frequently made mistakes (trust us…we have done it ourselves!). Make sure to pack medications, a spare change of clothes, your swimsuit (if you’re heading somewhere tropical), and a small bag of essential toiletries in your carry on. Most lost luggage is recovered within 24 hours, and these packing tips will help save you a trip to Walgreens or the mall…no one needs to see the inside of either of those while traveling!

5. Not Alerting Your Bank You’ll Be Traveling

Last but not least is an easy one, but it’s also one that many travelers tend to forget. Make sure to let you bank know you will be traveling. Most banks make it easy to alert them to your travels, and it can save a big hassle by doing so. Don’t risk having your account frozen: head to your banking website to alert your them prior to travel for a smooth experience!


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